Whereas WFH (Working From Home) and IRL (In Real Life) used to be terms suitable only for informal messaging, those two acronyms became standard office lingo during the last few years. Especially the WFH was a popular term as there was not much to do IRL, or at least not together. A challenge for everyone to shift their workplace to a home office, even a painful one for those who thrive on teamwork and human contact. Not to mention the lack of informal conversations in the coffee corner, where-as we all know – the most crucial exchange of information happens.
Admittedly, this shift in office work will not likely go all the way back to the “normal” we knew up until 2019. And yet, with WFH now no longer being a mandatory pandemic measure in Belgium, it looks like we’re heading towards a healthy balance again. Back to the possibility of sharing moments and thoughts with our team, even without screens and internet connections. Back to spontaneous conversations in the coffee corner.
Cheers, to our health and to sharing moments IRL again!
A light at the end of the COVID tunnel? We think so, even though we should still approach it with cautious steps. A victory for every team that successfully adapted to the extraordinary circumstances? Absolutely!
Within each of our projects, we organized a moment where our teams could be physically present in their different locations… and celebrated with a team2lead cake.